Loctite HY 4070 Hybrid Adhesive 11gm Tube
LOCTITE HY 4070 Universal structural bondis a two component, hybrid adhesive that provides a fast fixture at room temperature in bond gaps up to 5 mm (0.2 in).
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3334 CL9
- Código del producto 35061000
- País de Origen Ireland

Data Sheets
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This product has excellent bonding characteristics to a variety of substrates including some plastics, rubbers, and metals. LOCTITE® HY 4070™ is designed for applications where complete cure of excess adhesive is required, as well as temperature and moisture resistance. The gel consistency prevents adhesive flow even on vertical surfaces.
Features of HY 4070:
- bonds to a variety of substrates including some plastics, rubbers, and metals
- designed for applications where complete cure of excess adhesive is required
- temperature and moisture resistance
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