Loctite 649 Anaerobic Retaining Compound 250ml Bottle
Loctite 649 is a retaining compound which is typically used for holding gears and sprockets onto gearbox shafts and rotors on electric motor shafts. Supplied in a 250ml bottle.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 35061000
- País de Origen Ireland

Data Sheets
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Loctite 649 is a green, low viscosity, high strength, urethane methacrylate acrylic, anaerobic retaining compound designed for bonding cylindrical fitting parts. It prevents loosening and leakage from shock and vibration. Typical applications include holding gears and sprockets onto gearbox shafts and rotors on electric motor shafts. It provides robust curing performance.
- Fluorescent
- Low viscosity
- High strength
- Designed for bonding cylindrical fitting parts
- Works on active metals (e.g. mild steel) as well as passive substrates such as stainless steel and plated surfaces
- Offers high temperature performance and oil tolerance
- Tolerates minor surface contaminations from various oils such as cutting, lubrication, anti-corrosion and protection fluids
Shipping information
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