Aavid Thermalbond 4951G Epoxy Adhesive 100gm Kit
AAVID Thermalbond 4951 is a thermally conductive, high strength epoxy adhesive. Supplied is a 100gm kit.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9 / 2735 CL8
- Código del producto 39073000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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AAVID Thermalbond 4951 is a thermally conductive, high strength epoxy adhesive. It provides exceptional adhesion to copper, aluminum, steel, glass, ceramics, and most plastics.
Thermalbond also has a coefficient of thermal expansion compatible with aluminum, copper, and brass, making it particularly well suited for thermally bonding semiconductors and other components to chassis or heat sinks.
Shipping information
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