Loctite EA 9461 Epoxy Resin 20Kg Pail
Loctite EA 94612-part, thixotropic, structural bonding epoxy adhesive that cures to provide a toughened bond and is therefore ideal for joining dissimilar substrates. Supplied is a 20kg pail.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9
- Código del producto 39073000
- País de Origen Italy

Data Sheets
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Loctite EA 9461 is a 2-part, grey, structural bonding epoxy that cures at room temperature to provide a toughened bond. It is therefore ideal for joining dissimilar substrate materials including metals, engineering thermoplastics and thermoset laminates such as SMC. Its thixotropic properties make it good for gap filling and it provides both high peel and shear strength.
- Creates a tough bond
- Good choice for dissimilar materials
- Thixotropic and non-sagging
- Good for gap filling
- High peel and shear strength
Shipping information
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