Loctite EA 9696.06 NW AERO Epoxy Film Adhesive 36in x 55.66Yd Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C) *BMS5-101 Type 2 Grade 10 *BMS5-129 Type 2 Class 2E Grade 10
Loctite EA9696.06NW Epoxy Film Adhesive suppied is a 36in x 55.66Yd Roll *BMS5-101 Type 2 Grade 10 *BMS5-129 Type 2 Class 2E Grade 10 (Freezer Storarge -18°C) (was Hysol).
Technical Information
- Código del producto 39073000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Loctite EA 9696.06 NW AERO Epoxy Film Adhesive 36in x 55.66Yd Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C) y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Loctite EA 9696.06 NW AERO Epoxy Film Adhesive 36in x 55.66Yd Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C) desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga. Conéctese para acceder a las hojas de datosInformación del producto
Hysol EA9696 is a modified epoxy film adhesive designed for applications requiring both high toughness andservice temperatures to 250°F/121°C. Advances in technology allow this adhesive to excel in both metal tometal and honeycomb bonding applications.
Ability to cure at low temperatures; balanced flow; excellentenvironmental resistance; and long shop out-time make it suitable for a variety of bonding applications.
- Excellent environmental resistance
- High toughness maintaining service
- Balanced flow
Shipping information
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