HexBond™ 312L Modified Epoxy Film Adhesive 150gsm 50SqMt Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C)
HexBond 312L is a high strength 120°C curing film adhesive, suitable for metal to metal bonding and sandwich constructions.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 39209928
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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HexBond 312L is a high strength 120°C curing film adhesive, suitable for metal to metal bonding and sandwich constructions, where operating temperatures of up to 100°C may be experienced. A supported version, HexBond 312L, is available with a woven nylon carrier for bond line thickness control.
- short cure cycle - cures in 30 minutes at 120°C
- Good mechanical performance up to 100°C
- Suitable for composite to composite bonding
- Low volatile content (solventless process)
- Metal to metal bonding
- sandwich constructions
- Composite to composite bonding
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