Adiprene LW 520 Liquid Casting Urethane Polymer 20.4Kg Drum
ADIPRENE LW 520 is a polyether-based liquid casting urethane polymer, prepared with an aliphatic diisocyanate, that yields tough, high quality elastomers.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 39095090
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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Excellent hydrolytic stability (vs. other liquid urethane elastomers). Vulcanizates of ADIPRENE LW 520 urethane rubber retain more than half their original tensile strength after 8 weeks in water at 100°C (212F).
Excellent low temperature flexibility. Vulcanizates of ADIPRENE LW 520 retain rubbery properties at low temperatures and should be serviceable in many applications at temperatures as low -57C (-70°F).
Does not require 4,4-methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) curative. Excellent physical properties and good processing characteristics are obtained with methylene dianiline (MDA) as the curative.
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