Araldite 2018 Polyurethane Adhesive 200ml Dual Cartridge
Araldite 2018 is a two component, room temperature curing, pale coloured, lightly thixotropic liquid polyurethane adhesive for thermoplastic bonding.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 35069110
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Araldite 2018 is a two component, room temperature curing, pale coloured, lightly thixotropic liquid polyurethane adhesive for thermoplastic bonding.
- Good UV stability
- Ideal for bonding thermoplastics
- Low shrinkage
- FlexibleRoom temperature curing
Please Note:
If you need Araldite 2018 in a larger pack size, resin AY 4446 and hardener HY 4445 should be used.
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