Electrolube UR5041 Black A/B Polyurethane Resin 250ml Kit
UR5041 is a two-part black encapsulation and potting compound formulated to perform to the highest levels.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 39095090
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Its high toughness and resistance to tearing mean that it offers excellent physical protection to the encapsulated electronics, while it has good adhesion to most substrates.
This resin system provides exceptional resistance to sea water, as well as temperature extremes of -60°C upto 125°C making it the ideal choice for marine applications such as sensor encapsulation.
- Excellent resistance to sea water
- High toughness and tear resistance
- Good adhesion to most substrates
- Properties retained at temperatures down to -60°C
- RoHS Compliant
Shipping information
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