3M 2141 Neoprene Rubber & Gasket Adhesive 0.9Lt Can
3M™ Neoprene Rubber And Gasket Adhesive 2141 is a light yellow, high strength, solvent type synthetic rubber-based brushable adhesive
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1133 CL3
- Código del producto 35069190
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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3M™ Neoprene Rubber And Gasket Adhesive 2141 is a light yellow, high strength, solvent type synthetic rubber-based brushable adhesive.
Used for bonding rubber and gasketing materials. It is also useful for bonding fabric and leather to metal, wood and many plastic surfaces. It has excellent resistance to water and is brushable.
- Easily brushable
- Excellent water resistance
- General Industrial
Shipping information
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