Bostik L1685MC Solvent Based Adhesive 1Lt Can
Bostik L1685MC is a Solvent Based Adhesive supplied in a 1Lt Can
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1133 CL3
- Código del producto 35061000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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Bostik adhesive 1685M is a Neoprene Rubber-Solvent based adhesive that shows excellent bonding characteristics when bonding polyurethane foam and abrasive grit, rubber to metal, wood to itself, leather and many other materials.
It has been used to bond cellulose sponge to metal in the manufacturing of mops. It provides excellent adhesions of cured and uncured Neoprene and butyl membranes to concrete, wood and metal.
Superior adhesion to metal can be obtained by priming with Bostik Adhesive Primer 1007.
Shipping information
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