Loctite 268 High Strength Threadlocker 19gm Stick
LOCTITE 268 is a high strength version of an anaerobic threadlocking material.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 35061000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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It is supplied as a wax-like semi-solid, conveniently packaged in a self-feeding stick applicator. As with liquid anaerobic products, this material develops its cured properties in the absence of air when confined between close fitting metal surfaces. It achieves consistent strength and can be used on a variety of metal substrates.
It is particularly well suited for applications where a liquid product may be too fluid to stay on a part or be difficult to apply. It stores easily and allows for direct contact to a threaded part during application to ensure even coverage.
Shipping information
Entrega internacional (entrega puerta a puerta) está disponible para países seleccionados en todo el mundo. Envío se calculan automáticamente basado en el peso, la ubicación y la naturaleza peligrosa de las mercancías. Los clientes también pueden elegir fábrica para arreglar su propia colección.