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Helicopter in a blue sky

NYCO Official Distributors

With over 60 years of field experience, NYCO has extensive research into the development of turbine oils, hydraulic fluids, multi-purpose greases and lubricants. NYCO offers a comprehensive range of lubricants for helicopters, business jets and aircraft.

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NYCO are the sole European producer of aviation lubricants and experts in the development of synthetic ester-base stocks. They offer high performance finished lubricants for severe to very severe applications, and environmentally acceptable lubricants formulated on high-quality bio-based synthetic esters.

Their comprehensive range of aviation lubricants carry international approvals for armed forces (air, sea, land), oil and gas, power generation, MROs, OEMs, and airline and aircraft manufacturers.

The Turbonycoil product range includes high performance synthetic aviation turbine and piston engine oils as well as mineral preservation oils. Our turbine oils are fortified with carefully selected anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion, anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives.

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Best Selling Nyco Products

Featured Product: Nyco Hydraunycoil FH 6 AW

Nyco Hydraunycoil FH 6 AW is a shock strut hydraulic fluid with anti-corrosion and anti-wear properties. Approved under BMS 3-32 Type I, this fluid is suitable for both service and storage, making it an effective way of managing costs of aircraft preservation. In addition to Boeing approval, this fluid is also approved for use on Airbus aircraft.

Visit this link for further information about hydraulic fluids in the aerospace industry and tips for choosing the correct hydraulic fluid.

This hydraulic fluid is useful across a range of applications, including shock strut fluid for landing gear absorbers, integration into helicopter systems, use as hydraulic fluid for diverse mechanisms, landing gear fluids, leak testing, corrosion prevention measures. It can be used in test benches, hydraulic actuators, and missile hydraulic systems.

Nyco products FH 6 AW

NYCO Greases

Nyco branded can

NYCO's range of mineral and synthetic greases, tailored for extreme applications, includes versatile, multi-purpose greases as well as those for more specific uses. Compliant with the stringent requirements of civil, military aviation and industrial standards, these greases excel under conditions such as harsh temperatures, high speeds, intense pressures, corrosive environments, humidity and salinity.

For usage across airframes, slats, flaps, under heavy loads, and components like the THS (Tail Horizontal Stabiliser), actuators, bearings, doors, landing gears, wheels, jacks, rudders, and LRU (Line Replaceable Units), NYCO's greases also serve as anti-seize or assembly compounds, along with providing protection and more.

Our full range of NYCO greases is available at this link.

Unlike piston engine oils (PEOs) and turbine engine oils (TEOs), greases tend to be thicker, taking on a solid or semi-solid form. They are a thickened lubricant oil, with the main benefit being that they remain in place, available for use at the most critical parts of a mechanical operation.

For more information, please read our article explaining about greases at this link.

Distribuidores oficiales de NYCO

Con más de 60 años de experiencia en el campo, NYCO tiene una amplia investigación sobre el desarrollo de aceites para turbinas, fluidos hidráulicos, grasas y lubricantes multipropósito. NYCO ofrece una amplia gama de lubricantes para helicópteros, jets ejecutivos y aeronaves.

NYCO es el único productor europeo de lubricantes de aviación y expertos en el desarrollo de aceites sintéticos a base de éster. Lubricantes terminados de alto desempeño para aplicaciones severas a muy severas; Lubricantes ambientalmente aceptables formulados con ésteres sintéticos de base biológica de alta calidad.

Su amplia gama de lubricantes de aviación cuenta con aprobaciones internacionales para las fuerzas armadas (aire, mar, tierra), petróleo y gas, generación de energía, MRO, OEM, aerolíneas y fabricantes de aeronaves.

Producto destacado: Nyco Hydraunycoil FH 6 AW

Nyco Hydraunycoil FH 6 AW es un fluido hidráulico para amortiguadores con propiedades anticorrosivas y antidesgaste. Aprobado bajo BMS 3-32 Tipo I, este fluido es adecuado tanto para servicio como para almacenamiento, lo que lo convierte en una forma efectiva de administrar los costos de conservación de aeronaves. Además de la aprobación de Boeing, este fluido también está aprobado para su uso en aviones Airbus.


  • Líquido de amortiguadores para amortiguadores de tren de aterrizaje
  • Sistemas de helicópteros
  • Fluido hidráulico
  • Líquido para tren de aterrizaje
  • Prueba de fugas
  • Prevención de la corrosión
  • Banco de pruebas
  • Actuadores hidráulicos
  • Sistemas hidráulicos de misiles

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