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PPG Sealants

PPG Sealants

We are proudly an authorised distributor of PPG sealants. PPG (Pittsburgh Plate Glass) was one of the first brands to join the Silmid portfolio back in the early 1980s, and we stock around 100 different product lines in the UK that have been manufactured globally.

Our comprehensive range of sealants for aircraft structures includes products for fuel tanks, protecting aircraft mating surfaces and sealing aircraft windshields. The PPG sealant range is now enhanced with Sealants Europe SAS, formed from acquiring a majority interest in the aerospace and automotive sealants and adhesives business of Le Joint Français (LJF). PPG Aerospace's sealants range also includes PRC Desoto and Pro-Seal.

With no minimum order value and 24/7 on-demand access to PPG products, including those affected by REACH (where possible), Silmid is your number one choice for PPG sealants.

worker in PPG uniform applying a product

PPG Sealant applications

Best Sellers

The most popular packaging type for PPG aerospace sealants is the two component, premeasured Semkit cartridge system. There are a number of official methods approved for mixing PRC or Pro-Seal sealants packaged in Semkits.

Machine mixing and hand mixing are the only industry-recognised methods for mixing sectionalized containers (Semkit).

When mixing a PPG Aerospace sealant Semkit, always follow the directions as dictated on the product packaging. The recommended mixing instructions are tested and validated to ensure that the sealant performs as intended and meets all specification requirements.

The mixing of a Semkit by other means, such as with a drill adapter, may compromise the performance properties of the sealant and void the warranty.

For more than 50 years, PPG’s aerospace segment has been a leader in the development of products fundamental to aerospace manufacturing, maintenance, and repair. That leadership is firmly established in the highly specialised field of aerospace sealants.

PRC aerospace sealants were the first elastomeric products capable of resisting deterioration from long-term exposure to jet fuel. Since then, sealants such as PR1440 and PS890 have become acknowledged industry standards for sealing fuel tanks in virtually every aircraft in the world.

This tradition of leadership continues with innovative new sealants based on our advanced Permapol polymers. These sealants are lighter in weight, withstand higher temperatures, cure faster, and are easier to apply.

Supported by a global network of application support centers (ASCs), each staffed by technical support specialists who can quickly provide needed service and information, PPG continues to establish higher standards for product and service excellence.

Sealant being applied

When you strip away the outer layer of an aircraft, one thing you will be sure to find is sealant. During the manufacture and assembly of an aircraft, various sealants are used to protect key areas and components from corrosion, as well as exposure to high temperatures and chemicals such as hydraulic fluids and jet oils.

Aircraft sealants have different properties depending on the area of application they are designed for. We maintain a diverse inventory for different purposes, including fuel tank sealants, fuselage sealants, access door sealants, window and canopy sealants and firewall sealants at Silmid.

Each sealant also cures differently, with the relevant information accessible on the corresponding TDS/SDS. While selecting the right sealant is the first step, further decisions must be made that will affect the application of the sealant itself.

Distribuidor autorizado de selladores PPG Aerospace

Nuestra amplia gama de selladores para estructuras de aeronaves incluye productos para tanques de combustible, que protegen las superficies de contacto de las aeronaves y sellan los parabrisas de las aeronaves. La gama de selladores PPG se ha mejorado ahora con Sealants Europe SAS, formada a partir de la adquisición de una participación mayoritaria en el negocio de selladores y adhesivos aeroespaciales y automotrices de Le Joint Français (LJF).

PPG fue una de las primeras marcas en unirse a la cartera de Silmid a principios de la década de 1980 y, como distribuidor autorizado de selladores PPG Aerospace, disponemos de casi 100 líneas de productos diferentes en una variedad de tamaños y especificaciones.

Sin un valor de pedido mínimo y acceso a pedido las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, a los productos PPG, incluidos los afectados por REACH (cuando sea posible), Silmid es su opción número uno para los selladores PPG.

PPG Aerospace