Ambersil Fast Clean 200 Solvent Degreaser 400ml Aerosol
Ambersil Fast Clean 200 Solvent Degreaser is an advanced degreaser that provides the user exceptional cleaning power and a fast-drying residue-free solution.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1950 CL2.1
- Código del producto 27101225
- País de Origen United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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It is an ideal replacement for 1,1,1-trichloroethane, allowing cleaned parts to emerge and remain free from grime and unwanted scum. The product provides a powerful flushing action that rapidly dissolves and removes contaminants.
This advanced degreasing solvent combines rapid drying speed and high solvency power to effectively remove tough and stubborn oil, grease, waxes, and silicone deposits. Its powerful flushing action swiftly dissolves and eliminates contaminants, making it an efficient choice. Notably, it is a non-chlorinated solvent that leaves zero residues behind.
Shipping information
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