Arrow C044 Lotoxane Fast Lint Free Degreaser 85 Wipe Tub *CSS255
Arrow C044 Lotoxane Fast is a fast-evaporating degreaser with low odour and excellent degreasing power. It is a variant that evaporates three times faster than standard Lotoxane.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3175 CL4.1
- Código del producto 27101221
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Lotoxane Fast is a high-quality solvent degreaser that offers professional users a versatile, safe alternative to more hazardous products. Due to its high purity and flash point of 40°C, it is not classed as flammable and its controlled evaporation reduces exposure in the workplace.
Available in a convenient low lint impregnated wipe, this format reduces the risk of spillage and avoids cross-contamination from rags or dry wipes. It gives a consistent wipe dose every time and with high refinement leaves minimal residue upon drying. These wipes help control VOC levels as they can reduce solvent consumption.
Lotoxane Fast is compatible with almost every surface and will not damage sensitive metals, plastics, composites or coatings. It is suitable for use in dip tanks, and may be used for pre-cleaning prior to NDT or inspection, or for final cleaning before welding, painting, bonding, coating, or delivery in case of adhesive marks or fingerprints. It is effective at removing transport or storage coatings, cutting oils and water. This degreaser can also be applied for the maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment.
Lotoxane Fast is widely approved by major OEMs for production and maintenance cleaning. It is non-carcinogenic and its vapour is non-narcotic.
Shipping information
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