Arrow C316 Vulcan Hard Surface Cleaner 750ml Spray Bottle
Arrow C316 Vulcan Hard Surface Cleaner is an all-in-one, high-speed solution for swiftly cleaning and degreasing hard surfaces. This powerful product comes in a convenient trigger spray bottle with a delightful citrus scent.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34029090
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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It is a powerful cleaner for hard surfaces, delivering remarkable effectiveness. Its non-caustic formula and ready-to-use trigger spray make it perfect for delicate metals and galvanized surfaces. This versatile solution eliminates grease and oil, providing comprehensive cleaning, sanitization, disinfection, and degreasing in one simple step. After each use, a refreshing citrus fragrance lingers in the air. Ideal for a wide range of applications, this product is suitable for spray-and-wipe cleaning in commercial, industrial, and janitorial settings. It can effectively clean walls, floors, countertops, work surfaces, machinery, and equipment.
Shipping information
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