Loctite SF 7061 Surface Cleaner 400ml Aerosol
Loctite Product 7061 is a non-CFC solvent based formulation for cleaning and degreasing of surfaces to be bonded with Loctite adhesives.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1950 CL2.1
- Código del producto 38140090
- País de Origen Netherlands

Data Sheets
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Loctite SF 7061 is a non-CFC solvent-based formulation for cleaning and degreasing surfaces to be bonded with Loctite adhesives.
The product is used as a final pre-assembly cleaning treatment to remove most greases, oils, lubrication fluids, metal cuttings and fines from surfaces to be bonded. Its high solvent power allows it to be very effective in other degreasing or part-cleaning applications.
Features of SF 7061:
- Non-corrosive
- Alternative to 1,1,1 Trichloroethane
- a non-CFC solvent based formulation for cleaning and degreasing
Shipping information
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