Arrow C161 Germfree Fab Detergent Cleaner 5Lt Bottle
Arrow C161 Germfree Fab Detergent Cleaner contains broad-spectrum biocides and is a highly effective, versatile cleaner perfect for application to most hard surfaces. Germfree Fab provides excellent terminal sanitisation when used as a final rinse additive.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9
- Código del producto 34029090
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Germfree Fab contains broad-spectrum biocides, it is highly effective, versatile and may be applied to most hard surfaces. When used as a final rinse additive Germfree Fab provides excellent terminal sanitisation.
- Cleans and sanitises
- Contains a broad spectrum biocide
- Highly concentrated providing excellent dilution rate and low cost in use
- Non-perfumed to reduce the risk of tainting food
- Easy rinse formula
Germfree Fab is recommended for use in all areas where high standards of hygiene and cleanliness are required. Germfree Fab is a very effective cleaner and terminal sanitiser for use in the food processing and related industries on both equipment and surfaces.
Ideally suited for sanitising work surfaces, fridge’s, freezers, microwave ovens, chopping boards, all food handling and production machinery, slicers, cutters, utensils, floors, walls, ceilings, tiles, vending machines and interiors of food delivery vehicles.
Germfree Fab's bactericidal cleaning action also makes it an ideal product for use as a surface cleaner and sanitiser in schools, offices, canteens and nursing homes.
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