Socomore Diestone A8284 Solvent Based Cleaner 20Lt Pail
Socomore Diestone A8284 is a safe compound with a high flash point and a controlled volatility, free from harmful constituents, chlorinated or benzene hydrocarbons. Supplied is a 20lt drum.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38140090
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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DIESTONE A8284 is a safe compound with a high flash point and a controlled volatility, free from harmful constituents, chlorinated or benzene hydrocarbons. It is not subject to classification under the European legislation on VOCs (Directive 1999 /13/CE).
- Excellent dissolving action on paints, inks, marking products, varnishes and adhesives, oils, greases.
- Compatible with most synthetic resins (epoxies, polyurethanes, acrylics, etc ...).
- Non corrosive on light alloys, painted or not painted composites, uncoated, protected or painted metals.
- Few losses by evaporation.
- Very safe because of its high flash point.
- Slight odour.
- The flash point is stable in time and remains constant throughout the evaporation duration.
Specifications Approvals:
- AIRBUS IPS 09-03-001-09
- BOEING BOEING D6-17487P Solvent Cleaners; General Cleaning
- SMI ASTM F1110 (conform
Shipping information
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