Ardrox 1074 Corrosion Remover & Brightener 25Lt Pail
ARDROX 1074 is an aqueous acidic product containing solvents and surfactants. Supplied in a 25lt pail.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1993 CL3
- Código del producto 38101000
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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ARDROX 1074 is an aqueous acidic product containing solvents and surfactants. This product is primarily intended as an application cleaner for aluminium. It will remove tarnish, oxide films and light oil and leave a slightly etched surface.
ARDROX 1074 is suitable for the pre-treatment of aircraft and transport vehicle bodies prior to painting or the application of other protective systems such as chromate conversion coatings. It is useful as a treatment prior to spot welding or adhesive bonding of aluminium.
Chemicals Required:
Ardrox 1074
Technical Information:
- Appearance: Yellow, slightly viscous liquid
- Density (20°C): 1.04 g/ml
- Flash Point: Non-Flammable
Shipping information
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