Bostik Cleaner 7 5Lt Can *AFS 342J
The Evo-Stik rage of cleaners comprises a variety of single solvents and solvent blends.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1263 CL3
- Código del producto 35069190
- País de Origen United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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The Evo-Stik rage of cleaners comprises a variety of single solvents and solvent blends.Cleaner 7 is suitable for thinning solvent-borne nitrileand polyurethane adhesives to provide lower viscositiesfor meeting special application requirements. It is alsosuitable for cleaning application equipment used withthe above adhesive types and removing excess adhesive.
Cleaner 7 may be used for cleaning plastic surfaces priorto adhesive application. The UK Ministry of Defencequality assurance and release document relating toCleaner 7 is AFS 342J.
- Cleaning of equipment after use with certain Evo-Stik materials
- Cleaning or activation of substrates prior to use of the Evo-Stik materials
- Cleaning up of excess or spilt material
- Activation of applied adhesive in certain specialized processes
Shipping information
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