Ardrox 188 Scale & Carbon Removing Aid 25Kg Pack
Ardrox 188 is an alkaline powder blend containing an oxidising material primarily intended as an aid in removing difficult heat scale such as those produced on high chromium steels and nickel and cobalt alloys, which are notoriously difficult to remove even with strong acids.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3085 CL5.1 (8)
- Código del producto 38101000
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Ardrox 188 will not normally remove such scales by itself, but will chemically and physically modify them in such a manner as to make them more easily removable by milder and less dangerous methods than the use of strong acids.
The main field use for Ardrox 188 is the overhaul of hot end
components of gas turbine engines. Ardrox 188 has also been found useful for the removal of adherent carbon smut produced after heat treatment.
When making up a new bath the following procedure should be adopted: Fill the tank three quarters full with cold water. Add Ardrox 188 powder whilst agitating the solution. Fill the tank to the required volume with water and then heat up to the operating temperature.
Shipping information
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