Ardrox 1618 Paint & Rust Remover 20Lt Pail
Ardrox 1618 is a concentrated mixture of surfactants, sequestrants and caustic alkali.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1814 CL8
- Código del producto 34029090
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Ardrox 1618 is a concentrated mixture of surfactants, sequestrants and caustic alkali.
Ardrox 1618 is particularly effective in cleaning the ferrous parts of internal combustion engines that have become heavily contaminated in service, e.g. valves, cylinder heads. It will remove carbon, paint, rust and lead deposits from such components. It is also used in decarbonising other components such as rubber moulds.
When Ardrox 1618 is used in the prescribed manner no significant corrosion is likely to occur on ferrous metals. It will attack aluminium, zinc and tin rapidly and is therefore not suitable for use on these metals. Cadmium, copper and its alloys are slowly attacked. Polythene, PVC and PTFE are substantially unaffected but Ardrox 1618 will degrade many plastics and paints. Glass and ceramic will be etched.
Method Of Use:
Ardrox 1618 is used diluted at a concentration of 1 part by volume product plus 3 parts by volume water. The operating temperature is 80-90°C. Immersion times will vary depending on the intended use of the product. Ardrox 1618 will remove oil and grease, but when it is used for decarbonising and derusting it is desirable to remove such contaminants with a prior cleaning process such as Ardrox 6333 or Ardrox 6514. This will prolong the life of the Ardrox 1618 bath. Components should be thoroughly water rinsed before drying. The use of a dewatering protective such as Ardrox 3961 or Ardrox 3962 will prevent the clean components from further rusting.
Technical Information:
- Appearance: slightly viscous, straw coloured liquid,
- Density: 1.38g/ml at 20°C,
- Flash point: non-flammable.
Shipping information
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