Arrow C294 Sodaklenz Excel Alkaline Cleaner 20Lt Drum
Arrow C294 Sodaklenz Excel Alkaline Cleaner is a potent, high-alkaline cleaner specifically formulated to address the rigorous cleaning requirements in the food industry's heavy-duty applications.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1719 CL8
- Código del producto 34029090
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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It quickly eliminates oils, grease, and carbonized food residues and is Ideal for C.I.P. and spray wash systems due to its low foaming nature. The formula is highly concentrated and its performance is boosted by the inclusion of surfactants and sodium hydroxide that allows a powerful cleaning action. It is suitable for food processing, catering, and cleaning all types of food equipment. The product is also suitable for washing components and parts in a wide array of engineering environments.
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