Cee-Bee R-66C Corrosion Remover 25Lt Pail *MIL-C-38334A Type I Class 1
Cee-bee R-66C is a thickened, acidic, oxidation and corrosion remover, prepaint conditioner and brightener for aluminum.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 2922 CL8 (6.1)
- Código del producto 34029010
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Cee-Bee R 66 C is a remover that rappidly removes surface oxidation and corrosion. It conditions aluminum surfaces for excellent paint adhesion. Thixotropic. Clings to inclined, vertical and overhead surfaces. It can be easily be removed with flowing water. Safe on most soundly bonded paints, which contain no aluminum pigment; most plastics including Plexiglas; and most electrical insulation
- Free rinsing.
- Acids are expended, leaving no corrosive residues
- Safe on most soundly bonded paints
- Non-flammable
- Contains no chromates or other heavy metal salts
- Surfactants biodegradable
- 25lt
Shipping information
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