SkyWash (308-1) Surface Cleaning Liquid 1Lt Bottle
SkyWash is a non-hazardous, water-based surface cleaning liquid. It has a multitude of uses such as degreasing, and effectively and efficiently removing wet and tacky polysulfides, polythioether, polyurethane, RTVs and silicone sealants.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34029010
- País de Origen Ireland

Data Sheets
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Features of Skywash 308-1:
- SkyWash is non-flammable and water-based which means it can be as a general purpose
- wash/cleaner without the need for protective measures
- Safe alternative to traditional solvents such as MEK, MPK, IPA, and acetone
- Quickly cleans and degreases surfaces
- Removes wet and semi-cured sealants
Skywash 308-1 can also be used for tool cleaning and also can be used as a stand-alone degreaser and is effective in removing greases and oils typically found in aerospace applications.
Shipping information
Entrega internacional (entrega puerta a puerta) está disponible para países seleccionados en todo el mundo. Envío se calculan automáticamente basado en el peso, la ubicación y la naturaleza peligrosa de las mercancías. Los clientes también pueden elegir fábrica para arreglar su propia colección.