Socomore Diestone G11 Water Based Cleaner 20Lt Pail
Socomore Diestone G11 is a water-dilutable solution possessing controlled volatility employed for cleaning purposes. It lacks aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, not classified as toxic or corrosive. Furthermore, it is devoid of teratogenic or carcinogenic elements.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1993 CL3
- Código del producto 38140090
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Información del producto
It is a powerful diluent cleanser designed to maintain paint systems and equipment, catering to water- and solvent-based paints. The formula is particularly well-suited for aeronautical applications. It offers a pleasant fragrance and an excellent balance between cost and quality. Its rapid curing properties enable swift cleaning, making it highly suitable for painting and paint, stripping establishments and construction and assembly settings. This versatile solution effectively cleans paint application equipment and eliminates surplus paint, blemishes, and streaks from water-dilutable coatings.
The product is supplied as a liquid but can also be supplied in a variety of pre-saturated wipe formats.
Shipping information
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