PPG PR188 Adhesion Promoter 1oz Bottle *AMS 3100D Class 2 Type 2
PPG PR-188 is a sealant adhesion promoter that is suitable for use with both PRC® and Pro-Seal™ brand sealants.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1993 CL3
- Código del producto 32149000
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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PR-188 is a sealant adhesion promoter that is suitable for use with both PRC and Pro-Seal brand sealants. This product enhances the adhesion of both polysulfide, and Permapol polythioether based sealants to standard aerospace substrates.
This product enhances the adhesion of both polysulfide, and Permapol polythioether based sealants to standard aerospace substrates. This product is fully qualified to the AMS 3100 Class 2 specification.
It has zero VOC's as currently defined by U.S. environmental regulations. PR-188 is a one-part compound suitable for application by brush or clean gauze. PR-188 is not appropriate for use on polycarbonate or acrylic substrates.
Approved by:
Lockheed, SAE (AMS), Northrop Grumman
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