HumiSeal 1B31 PB 23 CPS Pre Blended Acrylic Conformal Coating 5Lt Bottle
HumiSeal 1B31 is a fast drying, single component, acrylic conformal coating that provides excellent moisture and environmental protection for printed circuit assemblies.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1263 CL3
- Código del producto 32082090
- País de Origen United Kingdom
Data Sheets
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HumiSeal 1B31 is also produced as pre-blended products, at a range of viscosities, suitable for a variety of applications. HumiSeal 1B31, and its Pre-blends, demonstrate excellent flexibility, fluoresce under UV light for ease of inspection and are easily repairable. HumiSeal 1B31 coating is MIL-I-46058C qualified, IPC-CC-830 and RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU compliant.
Shipping information
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