Socomore Wadis 11B Corrosion Preventative Compound 20Lt Drum
WADIS 11B is a water displacing and corrosion preventive agent with a high flash point usable cold for the protection of manufactured parts in the aerospace industry.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34031980
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Socomore Wadis 11B Corrosion Preventative Compound 20Lt Drum y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Socomore Wadis 11B Corrosion Preventative Compound 20Lt Drum desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga. Conéctese para acceder a las hojas de datosInformación del producto
WADIS 11B is a water displacing and corrosion preventive agent with a high flash point usablecold for the protection of manufactured parts in the aerospace industry.WADIS 11B is not subject to any EC classification regarding VOCs (Directive 199/13CE).
- Safe to use on all metals, steels, aluminium and alloys, zinc, as well as composites and plastics.
- WADIS 11B displaces water from substrates and provides them with a protective film. The treated surfaces are hydrophobic and isolated from humidity and corrosive vapours.
- The product can be used by dipping. Low losses by product drag out combined with controlled volatility which reduces evaporation, give important savings.
- The flash point is stable in time and remains constant throughout the evaporation period.
- The product is delivered after filtration at 5 to avoid damaging complex equipments.
Specifications Approvals:
- TURBOMECA CCT 00706, CCT 00540
Shipping information
Entrega internacional (entrega puerta a puerta) está disponible para países seleccionados en todo el mundo. Envío se calculan automáticamente basado en el peso, la ubicación y la naturaleza peligrosa de las mercancías. Los clientes también pueden elegir fábrica para arreglar su propia colección.