Socomore Corrotek Rust Preventative Compound 20Lt Pail
Corrotek is a liquid in-process rust preventive for use on steel parts. It provides rust protection and normally does not have to be removed prior to assembly of the protected parts.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32081090
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Socomore Corrotek provides rust protection and normally does not have to be removed prior to assembly of the protected parts.
Socomore Corrotek is a clear aqueous solution of rust inhibitors.
- Excellent for in-process rust protection (flash rust).
- Dry film - no oily residue
- Low use cost
- Does not contain caustic, nitrite or phosphate
- Easily dispensed
Specifications Approvals:
- GE C02-072
- AIR CANADA 99918A1090
- CFM CP 2709
- IAE/V2500 CoMat 10-134
- HONEYWELL CO2-072 (AS900 engines) / CO2-0011 (TPE, TFE, APU engines)
- TURBOMECA CCT LB 540 / RTC 70-21-02-110-801
Shipping information
Entrega internacional (entrega puerta a puerta) está disponible para países seleccionados en todo el mundo. Envío se calculan automáticamente basado en el peso, la ubicación y la naturaleza peligrosa de las mercancías. Los clientes también pueden elegir fábrica para arreglar su propia colección.