3M Scotch-Weld EC-3550 FST Structural Void Filling Compound 400ml Dual Cartridge
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Void Filling Compounds EC-3550 B/A FST (Fire Smoke Toxicity) is two-part, low-density, flame-retardant epoxy compounds that can be stored, applied and cured at room temperature.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3263 CL8 / 3077 CL9
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Scotch-Weld EC-3550 B/A FST is non-sag, non-brittle compounds designed for void-filling, edge sealing/close-out, corner reinforcement, local reinforcement for mechanical fixation and complex gap-filling in honeycomb sandwich structures. The cured materials meet 14 CFR 25.853 (a) and Airbus Directive (ABD) 0031. Scotch-Weld 3550 B/A FST Compounds are available in dual-chamber cartridges and bulk kits for use with pneumatic dispensers and bulk pumping equipment.
- 100% solids. Base is brown with black spots; accelerator is off-white.
- Meets the flammability requirements of J.A.R./F.A.R. 25.853 (a).
- Meets Airbus stand-alone FST requirement.
- Available in duo-pack cartridges with static mixing nozzle or in bulk pumpable kits.
- Thixotropic properties for ease of application.
- Excellent sag resistance.
- Scotch-Weld EC-3550 B/A FST: Sandable machinable within twelve hours at 75F (23C) of mixing or 1/2 hour at 175F (80C).
- Cures to a strong, low-density material within 48 hours at 75F (24C) or one hour at 175F (80C).
- Service temperature of -65F to 212F (-55C to 100C).
- Seals honeycomb panel edges and provides impact resistance to panel. Paintable.
Shipping information
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