Loctite SF 7414 Torque Marque Fast Drying Paste 50ml Tube
Loctite SF 7414 is a fast drying paste to be used in production to visually detect any movement in the adjustment of parts.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1263 CL3
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen Netherlands

Data Sheets
Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Loctite SF 7414 Torque Marque Fast Drying Paste 50ml Tube y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Loctite SF 7414 Torque Marque Fast Drying Paste 50ml Tube desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga. Conéctese para acceder a las hojas de datosInformación del producto
This product offers excellent adhesion to metals, including aluminium, magnesium, titanium, stainless steel and copper, and is non-corrosive to these metals.
This product should be typically applied in temperatures from 15 to 25°C, higher temperatures will reduce the drying time.
Shipping information
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