Bonderite S-ST 6881 AERO Paint Stripper 208Kg Drum
BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO (known as TURCO 6881) is a low odor, thixotropic paint remover activated by hydrogen peroxide.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1760 CL8
- Código del producto 38140090
- País de Origen Spain

Data Sheets
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BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO paint remover offers a significant advance in paint stripper technology. It complies fully with the aircraft/aerospace NESHAP.
BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO can be used on aluminum, mild steel, high strength steel, and titanium when used as directed.
BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO is not recommended for use on magnesium. BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO meets the Corrosivity requirements of TT-R-2918 except magnesium and cadmium.
Apply a uniform coating to surface being stripped by means of non-atomizing spray. Allow sufficient time for stripper to work. Performance improves as temperature increases. Agitation with a stiff bristle brush will aid in removal of the finish. Repeat if necessary.
Squeegee off bulk of loosened paint and BONDERITE S-ST 6881 AERO, followed by high pressure water rinse.
Shipping information
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