AkzoNobel 10P20-44MNF High Solids Epoxy Primer 40ml Touch Up Kit (AkzoNobel MRO Quality) (Includes EC-291B & TR-114)
AkzoNobel 10P20-44MNF, when used with the supplied hardener and thinner as per the technical data sheet, is a VOC compliant (according to US legislation) high solids corrosion inhibiting three component amine cured epoxy primer.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1263 CL3
- Código del producto 32099000
- País de Origen Netherlands

Data Sheets
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Información del producto
This OEM qualified polyurethane compatible primer is designed for application to aircraft exterior surfaces. When used in combination with the OEM qualified topcoat or basecoat – clearcoat system the product is designed to provide the most optimal chemical- and corrosion-resistance and durability.
Shipping information
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