Bonderite L-FG 3479 Glass Dispersion Lubricant 5Kg Tub
Bonderite L-FG 345 is a water-soluble semi-synthetic lubricant used for hot forging steel parts.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38249996
- País de Origen Netherlands

Data Sheets
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The product is a very dark water-based dispersion of graphite designed to provide excellent die adhesion, which assists in metal flow and prevents parts from sticking to the die or the punch. It can be used in a flood or spray application, and contains extreme pressure additives and release agents that will extend die life. This product can be used for most hot forging operations, from very light draws to the most severe deformation. The specially developed pigments provide prolonged protection at temperatures up to 1,200°C.
This coating is one of a series of Bonderite glazes, designed to protect and lubricate stainless steels and nickel alloys during high temperatures forming operations.
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