PPG PR1432-GP Corrosion Inhibitive Elastomeric Coating 1USP Kit *BMS5-95U Type I Class F1
PPG PR-1432-GP is a corrosion inhibitive, elastomeric coating. It has service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C).
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9 / 1263 CL3
- Código del producto 32141010
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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PPG PR-1432-GP is a corrosion inhibitive, elastomeric coating. It has service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C), with intermittent excursions up to 275°F (135°C). This material acts as an effective barrier against the common causes of corrosion on aluminum alloys or between dissimilar metals.
PPG PR-1432-GP is a two-part, dichromate cured polysulfide compound. The uncured material is suitable for application by spray or brush. This material is not recommended for use without a topcoating.
Shipping information
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