3M AC-131 CB Clear Surface Pre-Treatment 100ml Kit
3M Surface Pre-Treatment AC-131 is a high-performance, non-chromated, conversion coating for applications on aluminum, nickel, and titanium alloys. It forms part of a wider 3M Surface Preparation Process.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38249992
- País de Origen United States

Data Sheets
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3M AC-131 Pre-Treatment provides an excellent solvent-free alternative to achieve the high performance required in aircraft paint applications. When used with leading organic primers and topcoats, 3M AC-131 delivers an economical and environmental alternative to more costly and hazardous processes, offering both wet and dry adhesion to surfaces either by brush, dip or spray on at ambient drying conditions.
It is a water-based, sol-gel product that enhances the bonding of organic coatings to metal and organic substrates. This product has an induction time of 30 minutes and a pot life of 24 hours after mixing.
Shipping information
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