Castrol Braycote 806 Grease 1Lb Plastic Jar *MIL-PRF-27617G Type III
Castrol Braycote 806 is a smooth, buttery, translucent white NLGI #2 grease based on a perfluoroether base oil.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34039900
- País de Origen United States
Data Sheets
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It is thermally stable, nonflammable, and chemically inert to commonly used fuels, solvents and oxidizers. Castrol Fluoroclean X100 or Castrol Fluoroclean HE can be used to remove this lubricant.
Braycote 806 is designed for static and dynamic lubrication of taper plug valves, gaskets and bearings in fuel systems of aircraft and ground support equipment. It is also suitable for use in the presence of oxygen (LOX/GOX) as a lubricant for valves, threads, and bearings in aerospace vehicles and supporting equipment. Perfluorinated greases, such as Braycote 806, exhibit excellent shelf lives due to their inertness.
Shipping information
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