Nyco Grease GN 25013 1Kg Can *MIL-G-25013E
Nyco Grease GN 25013 is an NLGI 2 grease. It is fortified with anti-corrosive and antioxidant additives.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34039900
- País de Origen Belgium

Data Sheets
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This product may be applied as an airframe general purpose grease, such as for doors, flaps or landing gear. It is also useful for ball and roller bearings with particularly low torque at low temperatures, as well as for screw actuators for aircraft. It may be used as an anti-seize, assembly or dismantling grease for tie bolts and nuts of wheels. Its standard operating temperature range is from -73°C to 232°C.
It is based on a high-performance silicon oil, thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene. It is fully compatible with all types of elastomer, except for silicone rubber.
Shipping information
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