Shell Gadus S2 U460L 18Kg Pail
Shell Gadus S2 U460L grease based on an inorganic non-soap thickener and a specially selected base oil will provide satisfactory lubrication beyond the temperature limitations of lithium based greases
Technical Information
- Código del producto 27101981
- País de Origen Belgium

Data Sheets
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- Recommended for use for bearings operating in the temperature range -10°C to 180°C
- Gives good service life in many applications where expensive synthetic or silicone lubricants would otherwise be considered
- The special high viscosity base oil makes it particularly suitable for the grease lubrication of heavily loaded slow speed bearings
- With caution may be used at temperatures in excess of 200°C but only so long as the re-lubrication period is suitably adjusted
Shipping information
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