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Código de producto: VAR0000667
De €35.15

Exxon HyJet V is a Type V fire-resistant phosphate ester hydraulic fluid, which is superior in thermal and hydrolytic stability to commercially available Type IV hydraulic fluids.

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Mobil Hyjet V Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid

Silmid P/N: VAR0000667
De €35.15 (IVA no incl.) €42.18 (IVA incl.)
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Exxon HyJet V is a Type V fire-resistant phosphate ester hydraulic fluid, which is superior in thermal and hydrolytic stability to commercially available Type IV hydraulic fluids.

Data Sheets

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Información del producto

HyJet V provides excellent high and low temperature flow properties (kinematic viscosities) and rust protection. HyJet V has also demonstrated an improvement over the erosion protection performance afforded by Type IV fluids. Exxon HyJet V is designed for use in commercial aircraft phosphate ester hydraulic systems.

It is compatible in all proportions with commercial Type IV and Type V phosphate ester aviation hydraulic fluids.Better stability means the extent of fluid degradation in aircraft systems will be less than Type IV fluids, in-service fluid life will be longer, and aircraft operator maintenance costs will be lower.


  • Best in high temperature stability among Type IV fluids
  • Lowest density Type IV fluid
  • Effective rust protection
  • Excellent low temperature flow (viscosity) properties
  • Excellent deposit control
  • Excellent protection against electro-chemical corrosion (erosion)
  • Fully compatible with all approved phosphate ester hydraulic fluids


  • SAE AS1241Airbus/ATR NSA307110
  • Boeing BMS 3-11
  • Boeing-Long Beach DMS 2014
  • Bombardier Canadair BAMS 564-003

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