Shell Corena S4 R68 20Lt Pail
Shell Corena S4 R68 is primarily an advanced synthetic air compressor oil incorporating a unique high performance additive system. It is designed to deliver the highest performance lubrication of sliding vane and screw air compressors
Technical Information
- Código del producto 27101981
- País de Origen Germany

Data Sheets
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- Uses an advanced additive system to provide excellent protection and performance for compressors running at pressures over 25 bar and inexcess of 100°C discharge temperatures with oil maintenance intervals of upto 12,000 hours
- Also suitable to cover applications where a synthetic bearing and circulating oil or R&O oil (ISO VG 32-68) is needed
- Long Oil life
- Resistance to thermal and chemical breakdown
- Exceptionally low levels of deposit formation to help maintain excellent internal surface cleanliness particularly in oil/air seperator and coalescer systems
Shipping information
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