Shell Spirax S2 G 80W-90 Oil 20Lt Pail
Spirax G are automotive gear lubricants containing multi-functional additives required for mild extreme pressure conditions.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 27101981
- País de Origen Germany

Data Sheets
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Manual gearboxes:
Spirax G are essentially for the lubrication of manual gearboxes of passenger cars and commercial vehicles operating under high speed/low torque and low speed/high torque conditions. Suitable for gearboxes fitted with synchromesh.
Rear axles:
Suitable for applications presenting conditions of medium severity, such as light duty commercial vehicles and passenger cars. Not suitable for heavy duty hypoid axles
- Comprehensive components
- Specially selected additives impart good antiwear, anti-rust characteristics and oxidation stability.
Shipping information
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