Henkel Teroson VR 500 Synthetic Grease 5.5ml Bag
Henkel Teroson VR 500 Synthetic Grease that is general purpose and ideal for heavy-duty applications. Excellent for use in central lubrication systems. O.E.M. specified.. Supplied in a 5.5ml Bag
Technical Information
- Código del producto 27101999
- País de Origen Germany

Data Sheets
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Henkel Teroson VR 500 is a mounting paste used e.g. to prevent the squeaking of drum and disc brakes. Also particularly suitable for heavy-duty applications e.g. mill roll journals, high-temperature valve systems, annealing furnace doors, conveyor systems. Excellent for use in central lubrication systems. It is O.E.M. specified.
- General purpose versatility
- Free of metallic soaps
- Shock-resistant
- Water-insoluble Non-melting
Shipping information
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