Ardrox 9PR88 Solvent Remover 300ml Aerosol
Ardrox 9PR88 is a colourless, highly volatile, solvent-based penetrant remover.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 1950 CL2.1
- Código del producto 38140090
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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The solvent removers Ardrox 9PR5, 9PR50 and 9PR88 are a series of non-chlorinated, volatile solvents which are used for the removal of surface excess penetrant in the solvent removal process or wipe-off technique. They have a low sulfur and halogen content.
The Ardrox 9PR series of solvent removers are ideal for the removal of oil, grease and other organic contamination as a pre-cleaning of surfaces before the application of a penetrant or a magnetic ink. Ardrox 9PR5, 9PR50 and 9PR88 are available as bulk material and as aerosol cans.
They are typically used in a penetrant system together with the Ardrox penetrants and developers.
- EN ISO 3452-2 - Method C, class 2
- SAE - QPL-AMS 2644 (approval)
- ASME Boiler Vessel Code - Section V, Article 6
- ARDROX 9PR88 is safe to use on all common materials.
- When ARDROX 9PR88 is used in the prescribed manner, no significant corrosion is likely to be encountered on commonly used metals.
- ARDROX may stain or soften some plastics and rubbers and, where appropriate, a compatibility test should be carried out.
Shipping information
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