Magnaflux ZR-10C Hydrophilic Emulsifier Penetrant Remover 25Lt Pail
Magnaflux ZR-10C is a water soluble remover concentrate which is used diluted as the remover/emulsifier in postremovable penetrant systems.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38249996
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Magnaflux ZR-10C Hydrophilic Emulsifier Penetrant Remover 25Lt Pail y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Magnaflux ZR-10C Hydrophilic Emulsifier Penetrant Remover 25Lt Pail desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga. Conéctese para acceder a las hojas de datosInformación del producto
Designed to remove excess surface penetrant, ZR-10C minimizes surface background during Method D fluorescent penetrant testing while protecting indication integrity in critical component inspections.
This Method D remover reduces fluorescent background on rough surfaces and minimizes penetrant bleed-out from hollow parts. ZR-10C works with Magnaflux PE penetrants ZL-2C Level 2, ZL-27A Level 3 and ZL-37 Level 4 for verified penetrant system reliability.ZR-10C provides long tank life and excellent solution consistency for dependable, long-lasting performance in a variety of applications.
- Useable over a wide range of concentrations
- Excellent control of removability
- BiodegradableCost effective
- Nonylphenol ethoxylate free
Shipping information
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