Ardrox 9D4A Dry Powder Developer 500gm Bag *AMS2644H Form A Type 1 *CSS232 Issue 5
ARDROX 9D4A dry powder developer is a homogeneous blend of synthetic white powders of fine particle size. It does not contain any mined materials and has very low impurity levels.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 38249996
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Ardrox 9D4A dry powder developer is a homogeneous blend of synthetic white powders of fine particle size. It does not contain any mined materials and has very low impurity levels. Ardrox 9D4A is used to develop the complete range of Ardrox fluorescent penetrants.
Application of this developer renders any defect indications much easier to see when viewed under UV-A / black light than conventional powder developers. Ardrox 9D4A offers outstanding advantages in speed of development and resistance to excessive bleed-out of penetrant from defects.
Physical Chemical Properties:
- Appearance Light, fluffy, free-flowing, white powder, non-fluorescent Bulk
- Density 110 g/litre
Shipping information
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