Ardrox 8506 Fluorescent High Sensitivity Magnetic Ink 25Lt Pail
Ardrox 8506 is a ready-to-use fluorescent ink ideal for the inspection of ferromagnetic materials, structures and components by the magnetic particle inspection method.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32129000
- País de Origen France

Data Sheets
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Información del producto
Ardrox 8506 consists of finely-divided fluorescent magnetic particles, dispersed in a hydrocarbon carrier fluid which will fluoresce brilliant yellow/green under ultraviolet radiation with a predominant wavelength of 365 nanometer. The particles have been selected for their high magnetic response, low coercivity (to avoid coagulation) and prolonged operational life.
Ardrox 8506 uses a hydrocarbon carrier fluid corresponding to the AMS 2641, Type 1 Magnetic Particle Inspection Vehicle with a flash point exceeding 93°C / 200°F.
Shipping information
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